Pack 1

Hermida, now a Red Sox and getting playing time
figure Boston will be letting Drew go
Holland an update, pretty unique pose
Ichiro a needed player collection card
love the Rollins photo, classic
off to a great start
Pack 2

Reimold and Pordora are updates
got a DiceK, very slight difference from the other version
anyone want a football card, i don't

SCORE!! Beckham Oh, YEAAAHHH!!!!!
Great photo of him swinging away
and wait 3 updates and 3 GN
eeeh gads, what a great mistake
especially because Beckham was the extra
the other two updates aren't to shabby either
Bailey, 09 ROY and speedy Bourbon

ZO! Great photo of Mr. Zobrist
Tampa please get him out of three hole
he isn't your best hitter
don't put that pressure on him
Longoria is your man

the Griffey GN is Sweeet!,
the colors really make this card nice
sorry the scan isn't doing it justice
BJ Upton GN - Awesome!!! - another needed PC card
and a third GN - is there a third update?
nope but its gold and has a serial number
i didn't know these had parallels
sweet - what fun
LaPorta and Garrett Anderson are update cards

Wait Obama,
so didn't know he had a card in this set
very unexpected
funny he is wearing a White Sox jacket
to a Cardinals game
and Gore makes 3 political 20th Annv cards
since i got Obama i'll just consider it a theme

Rzepczynski bringin the big leg kick back
him and Shef are the updates
a nice photo of Wright
and a 20th Annv of Cal
nothing wrong with a HOFer

Tulo in action
Zimmerman great follow through
and a Red Sox with Bard for the other update
baseball continues in the 20th Annv with Gwynn

Marson and Wilkin are the updates
Braun on the 20th Annv card
three baseball cards in a row
Alexi fielding, nice
Grienke looks like he is posing 60s style
Awesome break!! by pack three i was happy, by pack six i was blown away with what i pulled. I got the main card i wanted, along with a few additions to my player collectors, an Obama card and a serial numbered card both of which i didn't know existed, and lots of rookies, great blaster. Thanks for checking out This Week in Cardboarding.